Springtime Beef Tongue Tacos
Springtime Beef Tongue Tacos Read More »
Here is a recipe to make use of that giant carcass sitting in your fridge the week after Thanksgiving. I find turkey broth to be so warm, mild flavored, and just simply divine. For all the turkey haters out there, they haven’t had a steaming mug of turkey broth to change their minds. Look no
“An important part of the nutrition of the children consisted in various preparations of bone marrow, both as a substitute for milk and as a special dietary ration.” Pg. 233 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration The star of today’s blog post is bone marrow. My mother has told me the story of being called into the
Pumpkin Bone Marrow Custard Read More »
I am sharing two of my favorite Thanksgiving sides that we have prepared in our home before. These are simple recipes that will be an instant hit at any celebration. You can’t have turkey and gravy without mashed potatoes. These mashed potatoes are loaded with butter, creme fraiche, and cream cheese—thank goodness we know fat
Thanksgiving Sides Read More »
Move over sweet oatmeal, savory oatmeal is the perfect summer treat. When prepared properly, it will keep you full for hours and satisfy all the cravings. Oats are a grain that contain anti nutrients, specifically phytic acid, lectins, and avenin found in the bran of the oat. Phytic acid binds to minerals in the body,
Happy Valentine’s Day! What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with some beef heart jerky. Candy and sweets might be the norm but over here at Nourish the Littles, I know we are a little strange and like to focus on nutrient density when possible. So why not eat heart on the day of
Valentine’s Day and Beef ❤️ Jerky Read More »
Now that fall is here it is time to make all the warm, comforting recipes that are usually forgotten in the summertime. At the advice of a wise friend I spent my last few weeks before baby prepping meals for postpartum. These meals needed to be easy to reheat, large enough to last for lunches
Shepard’s Pie and Meal Prepping Read More »
Three years ago, my good friend made me my first ever liver tonic and introduced me to the delicious world of organ meats. I have been on a real food journey for over 7 years now and if you had told me at the beginning I would happily be eating raw liver today, I would
The Healthy Bloody Mary Read More »
Ahhh liver. Before you turn your nose up at this poorly appreciated superfood, hear me out. I too used to be against liver. I didn’t grow up eating it—although my immigrant mother did — and the thought and taste turned me off. That is, until I started researching all the health benefits of liver and
Perfect Chicken Liver Pate Read More »
While the novel pandemic has shaken up our lives, there could be some positive outcomes. On a grander scale, our environment is getting a well-deserved break from the overwhelming amount of pollution. On a smaller scale, many of us are cooking more from home. I know this can be stressful, especially if we are not
Cooking Tips for Quarantine and Beyond Read More »