Move over sweet oatmeal, savory oatmeal is the perfect summer treat. When prepared properly, it will keep you full for hours and satisfy all the cravings.

Oats are a grain that contain anti nutrients, specifically phytic acid, lectins, and avenin found in the bran of the oat. Phytic acid binds to minerals in the body, such as—magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, and blocks absorption of these necessary minerals. These anti nutrients also inhibit the production of necessary enzymes to break down the oats.

To neutralize the anti nutrients, it is necessary to soak them in warm water and an acidic medium for at least 12 hours, preferably. This increases the digestibility of the oats and eliminates the anti nutrients. Examples of acidic mediums are: Apple Cider Vinegar, lemon juice, whey, yogurt, kefir

Soaked oatmeal becomes a “fast food” when cooking them the next morning. The night before the intended oatmeal breakfast, place the oats in a bowl to soak in filtered water and an acidic medium. The following morning, strain the water and cook the oats in milk or just water. The preparation process takes less than five minutes and will hopefully turn into a habit after a few times of going through the process.

*Note: If you want to take these oats up a notch, sprinkle some Eat Pluck Seasoning Mix on top. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

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Savory Oatmeal

  • Author: Christine Muldoon
  • Prep Time: 12 hours, 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 12 hours 15 minutes
  • Yield: 4 1x


Savory summer oatmeal



2 cups of dried, rolled oats (preferably organic)
1 TBL of acidic medium (ACV, lemon juice, whey, kefir, yogurt)
3 cups of water or milk
2 TBL (or more) of butter
1 tomato, diced
1 avocado, cut into cubes
1 lb of bacon or sausage

optional toppings* caramelized onions, mushrooms, raw cheese, fried egg, soft boiled egg, sautéed veggies, Eat Pluck Seasoning Mix


Instructions for soaking oats
The night before cooking oats, place 2 cups of dry, rolled oats into a large glass bowl. Fill the bowl with water until the oats are well submerged.

Add 1 TBL of whey, lemon juice, or ACV (apple cider vinegar) to the bowl and mix with the oats.

Cover and let oats soak at room temperature overnight.

Instructions for cooking oats
The next morning, drain the oats in a colander.

Bring 3 cups of filtered water or milk to a gentle boil in a pot over medium-high heat.

Add the oats and lower the heat and simmer for 3 minutes. They should absorb the liquid and become thick and creamy. Stir occasionally.

Instructions for assembling oats
Once oats have been cooked, serve into individual bowls and add heaping spoonfuls of butter. Butter will melt, mix with a spoon to incorporate into oatmeal.

Top and serve with desired savory toppings: diced tomatoes, sliced avocado, bacon, sausage, raw cheese, fried egg, soft boiled egg, caramelized onion, mushrooms, sautéed veggies, or whatever your preferences are. 

Keywords: Breakfast, oatmeal, recipe