The products listed below are things I personally use on a regular basis, and recommend to my clients, friends, and family.

When you make a purchase using these links and/or discount codes, I earn a small commission as an affiliate. The commission is paid by the retailers at no cost to you. All money earned helps me continue to do what I love for a living. Thank you for supporting me and my small business!

Eat Pluck Seasoning

Pluck is an organ meat blend with an umami flavor profile. Use it on eggs, vegetables, and meat, or any savory dish like soups or pot roast!

Noaic Balm

Code ChristineM10 gets you 10% off. Use Naoic Balm like you would use lotion. It’s a luxurious cosmetic-grade balm made from grass-fed beef tallow.

Fond Bone Broth

Use code NTL for 10% off the FIRST one-time purchase (not valid for subscriptions). Fond is certified organic, and they use only pasture-raised chickens for their broth. They recently announced their land-to-market verification, meaning their products are now verified regenerative. They also third-party test all their products for heavy metals.


Have you ever considered trying a continuous glucose monitor? Veri shows you your unique blood sugar response to the foods you eat so you can see what’s working for you, and what’s not. I use this one myself! Use my link to get $30 off your purchase.